Introducing: Meika Usher!

I met Meika Usher at a Capital City Writers meeting (or perhaps conference—I can’t remember now) a few years back. She was just starting out then, and we met at a local coffee shop to write together, or chatted after meetings, went to book signings for local authors.

Then I gave Meika her very first deadline.

Asked her how long she thought it would take her to finish her first book, have it edited, formatted and released on Amazon. She gave me a date. I said I was holding her to it.

From time to time I would heckle her when I saw her on social media instead of writing. I’d check in periodically on her progress. Mostly, though, Meika buckled down, risked carpal tunnel, and finished that manuscript. Then she did all the other things an author must do to get a book out.

She met her deadline. And I got an acknowledgement in her book. <3

Now, her third book, READY TO RUN, has just released. Her fourth book is currently releasing on Radish as well, so if you hop over there and subscribe, you’ll be getting a sneak peek at the next book as well.

Meika is feisty and funny and snarky and has the most gorgeous green eyes. She’s a riot to hang with because you never know what’s going to come out of her mouth—and that’s reflected in her books.

So, for a little fun, I invited Meika to do a Lightning Round of questions, a la James Lipton.

Ready? Set? Go!

Blue jeans or party clothes? Dresses are my go-to, but don’t try to get me in heels. I’ll fall and die.

Sushi or steak? DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!! Um…sushi? No! Steak. Yes. Steak. I think.

Cats or dogs? (Or hamsters?) Pssh, dogs. Mine would kill me if I said anything else. Seriously. She’s scary.

Beer, wine or water? Beer, please.

Coke or Pepsi? (If you answer Pepsi I hereby disown you. Ask my father.) Coke! No disowning necessary! Technically, Cherry Coke Zero.

Favorite color? Burgundy. Almost everything I own is this color. Even my hair. It’s a little absurd.

Favorite word? Wanderlust. (PS Alyssa here, adding that Meika is also a solo international traveler, like moi!)

Least favorite word? Hmm. I don’t know if I have one. I know there’s a whole anti-moist movement, but that word has never bothered me. I think I’m gonna have to go with…gaping? Especially when paired with “wound.” Ughhhhh.

Coffee or tea? Hot? Tea. Cold? Coffee.

And last but not least…. Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pine or Chris Evans? This is cruel. Like, super cruel. I don’t know how I’m supposed to choo—Evans. With the beard, please.

Now for a peek at READY TO RUN!


Comic book artist Sunny Oliver is prepared for anything. Rabid fans? No biggie. Zombie Apocalypse? Piece of cake. Her older brother’s best friend? Er…not so much. He’s obnoxious. He’s gross. He’s…hot? Back in high school, Ben Owens made her feel invisible. But now he sees her. And the way he’s looking at her has her ready to drop her walls…AND her pants. 


ER nurse Ben Owens is a one girl kinda guy. One girl a NIGHT, that is. As a rule, he doesn’t get attached. Sunny Oliver has always been the exception to that rule. Years ago, he made a promise to keep his distance. Breaking it could cost him. But if it’s such a bad idea, why does it feel SO good?


With each pizza shared and every digital zombie vanquished, Sunny and Ben rekindle the friendship they shared years ago. Only, this time, something’s different. Will they give in to their newfound feelings, or will past promises–and past hurt–send them running in the opposite direction?

Want a little more Meika?

Meika Usher is a Michigan-based romance author, a puppy mama, and a pizza lover. When she’s not writing snarky, sexy love stories, she can be found binge-watching Supernatural (she’s a Dean girl), memorizing all the song lyrics ever (it’s her superpower), or planning her next solo trip (she’s thinking Estonia). She is on the board of Lansing’s Capital City Writers, and a member of Romance Writers of America, and Mid-Michigan RWA. READY TO RUN is her third novel.

Find Meika:

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  1. fun being introduced to her. Best wishes in your writing career, Meika!

    (I should hire you to be my life coach.)

    • I know, Denise, I want to be Meika when I grow up! Girl knows how to achieve her goals, and I love to watch her go!

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